Is abortion legal under California law? This is a question many people ponder because the Supreme Court chose to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022. Now, women don't have a fundamental right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health. Instead, each state determines the rules, some of which are harsh.
Luckily, the abortion laws in California are more lenient than in other states. While there are a few restrictions put on women terminating a pregnancy, they do have rights.
California wants to protect abortion rights and allows this type of procedure in almost all cases. This blog explains those situations in detail. Goss Law can also advise on questions such as What is the legal limit of growing pot in California?

What Is a Medical (Medication) Abortion?
An abortion is a medical treatment that terminates a pregnancy or eliminates complications during a live birth. The process has been considered legal in California since the 20th century.
In fact, California was the first state to legalize abortion through the Therapeutic Abortion Act. At the time, this service was only allowed if carrying the pregnancy to term would be harmful to the woman's physical or mental health. Otherwise, hospitals often refused the request.
As time flew by, California abortion care became more open. Only one restriction was put on women seeking the procedure in the 1970s: A doctor must perform the service.
Currently, California is focusing on expanding on its abortion rules. Those seeking such procedures should be allowed a safe and quick service.
Medical and Surgical Abortion Services
Special pills are taken during the early weeks of pregnancy for a medical abortion. However, most doctors and nurse practitioners believe that this isn't the safest or most effective option.
Ultimately, a surgical abortion is considered the safest and most protective pregnancy termination option. There is generally less bleeding and pain during the procedure compared to taking a pill.
The ability to receive abortion care depends on various factors, such as:
Generally, a woman can take the abortion pill up to 11 weeks after missing her period. After this time frame, more complications could arise.
During an in-clinic or surgical abortion, the woman has 24 weeks to get the procedure.
Typically, abortion care rights are absolute in California under these two conditions:
The fetus isn't viable yet.
The procedure is required to protect the health or life of the mother.
Does a Woman Have Abortion Rights in California?
Pregnant women in California have a fundamental right to receive an abortion if they so choose. There is no need to provide medical justifications or reasons. Currently, this is written in the state constitution as basic health care.
However, after a fetus becomes viable (could live outside the womb), California law does limit abortions. Therefore, a physician must determine if there are extraordinary medical measures that require such a procedure. Typically, the service is still possible if the pregnancy could risk the life/health of the woman.
When Can a Woman Get an Abortion in California?
Women can go to any abortion clinic in California to get the procedure.
What is the legal abortion limit in California? State law has these rules in place:
A woman can get an abortion until the fetus is viable.
The fetus is typically considered viable at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation.
If there is a threat to the mother, abortions can be performed post-viability to save the woman.
Do Minors Have Abortion Access in California?
In some states, it's considered an illegal abortion if a minor receives the procedure without their parent's consent. California has similar rules unless the child is emancipated already. Otherwise, she must get written permission from a guardian or receive a favorable court order.
Can a Non-California Resident Receive an Abortion?
Women seeking an abortion in a state that doesn't allow it can come to California to have the procedure. The state enables them to travel here and get the care they need, regardless of where they reside. Goss Law also has more information on questions like What is the legal tint limit in California?
Some states are more strict about who can receive abortion care and might impose criminal or civil penalties against those supporting this. However, California has always been open for women, even if it's considered illegal where they live.
Which Professionals Are Considered Abortion Providers in California?
Just a decade ago, women had to go to a hospital and receive an abortion from a licensed doctor, but things have changed.
Now, abortions can be handled by a medical professional in any abortion clinic. The top choices are those with approval and specialized training, including:
Nurse practitioners
Physician assistants
Can Telehealth Services Be Used for a Medication Abortion?
Yes, women can use telehealth services to receive abortion care, but there are some restrictions in place.
Generally, California health centers offer medication for miscarriage care and abortions. Women can get the pills in person or through telehealth services. For more information, a criminal defense attorney in Sacramento may be able to help.

Can Private Insurance Coverage Deny an Abortion?
In general, no. California has clear laws about abortion care, stating it is basic health care. Therefore, insurance providers must cover it. Ultimately, they cannot exclude or limit coverage for this procedure.
However, if the woman has a self-funded health care plan through an employer, the rule doesn't apply. It's wise to contact the insurer to learn more.
What Support Options Do Women with Disabilities Have During an Abortion?
Women with disabilities have the same rights for abortion services. They can request reasonable accommodation during the procedure. Likewise, those with hearing impairments can request sign language interpretations and other assistance.
Connect with Goss Law to Obtain Legal Advice on Abortion in California
Whether receiving an in-clinic abortion or taking a pill, women in California have more reproductive freedom than those in other states.
Still, some people don't stay updated on the abortion laws in California. They may try to prevent the procedure from happening or make the woman jump through many hoops.
Sometimes, women are told by their insurance provider or a doctor that they can't have an abortion. Likewise, people might travel to California from another state that doesn't allow such care. Regardless, they have rights that could have been violated. Goss Law is located in Sacramento, CA, and can assist. Call to request a free consultation today.